Practise magazine cover through photoshop

For my final product, I am creating a horror magazine cover; as practise, I have created a cover on the software, Photoshop.

As I will be completing the product on Photoshop, I have done practise on the software and watched YouTube videos on how to use it, to a professional standard.                   

Photoshop instructions.
 1.) In order to get the main image onto the background; I went to File, Open, clicked on the image I wanted and then dragged it onto the page.
2.) Then i selected 'Convert to Smart Object' (this tool allowed me to stretch the image and move it)
3.) I then moved on to creating the masthead for the magazine, thinking  
4.) I decided to name my magazine 'Phantasm' as it connotes the horror genre. 

5.) Adding the masthead, I went to the text tool down the left hand side of the screen and then clicked on the page where I wanted the text to be.
5.) ,I could then add anchorage texts and the headline which is aimed to attract the target audience and make them want to buy the magazine.
6.) Once I had finished adding text, I moved on to adding secondary images. I used images from google, as this was only a practise attempt of a magazine cover. The images are all from very mainstream and successful horror films as they would best attract an audience.
 7.) I then went to File, Open and then selected the images I wanted to place on my cover. I dragged them across to the magazine and positioned them in the spaces around the text. 
7.) After I had placed all of the secondary images on the cover, I needed to get a picture of a barcode, from google, and place it in the top right corner. This is a convention of a magazine cover and by conforming to it, my magazine will look more professional and the target audience will be more likely to buy it. 
8.) After this, I was happy and pleased with my work and therefore just saved the image and firstly uploaded onto my blog. 

When creating this magazine, I used secondary images from the internet. When I create my real magazine cover, I will use my own primary images.
